Motus Aviation

inflight monetization platform

Connecting your passengers in motion!

The revolutionary Motus technology offers consumers free WiFi connectivity while travelling by airplane

motus Aviation

Advertising Revenue

Ancillary Revenue

Passenger Loyalty


How it works

Using their personal devices on the ground or onboard, travelers access the airline’s ecosystem and enjoy a wide range of entertainment: daily news, movies, TV series, music, city guides and games. Motus fuses the content stream with rewarded dynamic advertising and an enhanced brand experience

Accessible on all WiFi enabled devices:
smartphones, tablets, laptops…

Inflight Advertising Platform

Video Ads

Native advertisement, at the relevant time

Gamification Ads

Adverts through game playing. Q&A, quizzes, competitions

Vouchers & Coupons

Passengers can get vouchers on products sold on board, or vouchers from advertisers

Inflight banners

Throughout the entire digital screens users will be served ads

Video Ads

Passengers will be able to view Video adverts as pre-roll

Video Infomercials

Destination based infomercials with trackable ticket

Ad Approval

You are the master of your ad space!

Airlines can have total control over the advertising  content that is displayed and can choose different  approaches for approval.

Advertisement Approval Options

  1. Black List Categories: Block advertisements in specific categories. 
  2. White List Advertisers: Always allow advertisements  from specific advertising agencies
  3. Manual Approval: Approve all advertising content one by one
  4. Semi Automated: Combine Black Lists, White Lists and Manual Approval

All Advertising content is pre-categorized (Sports, Airlines, Shop, Drinks, etc) by Motus. Ads start displaying upon administrative approval.

Passenger Perks

Airlines give a value-added service to their passengers

In-flight entertainment for the business passenger to the entire family

Provides a more pleasant trip, increasing chances for return customers

Airline Benefits

Allows airlines to advertise their own in-flight merchandize, meals and beverages

Offers an additional revenue stream for the airlines through increased sales during the flight

Offers an additional revenue stream for the airlines through advertising



Integrates with your existing IFE system, or if your airline does not have an IFE system, Motus through partners will assist you in setting one up

MOTUS is backed with the highest levels of security and privacy.

Privacy and Safety Guarantee

Our technology is using the strictest standards of data encryption and privacy and it is fully compliant with the European GDPR directive, so the transportation providers, the advertisers and most importantly the passengers can rest assured that their information is safe!

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